[FREE] QBCore RP Chat | Jobs and regular commands

qbcorerpchat.rar (1.2 MB)

Police Command
Mechanic Command
EMS Command
Thought Command
OOC Command
Tweet Command
Anonymous Tweet Command

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 467
Requirements QBCore Server
Support Yes

<<<< script:chat] Error loading script commands.lua in resource chat: @chat/commands.lua:1: No such export GetCoreObject in resource qb-core
[ script:chat] stack traceback:
[ script:chat] [C]: in function ‘error’
[ script:chat] citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:878: in metamethod ‘__index’
[ script:chat] @chat/commands.lua:1: in main chunk
[ c-scripting-core] Failed to load script commands.lua. >>>>>>

Why this error occured ?

Does this have the 311 commands in for PD to say when they are going on and off duty

cause your qbcore version doent have the export

no but can be added its open source

so what we do now ?

update to latest qbcore

Life Saver! Thank you

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Looks amazing! Well done!

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I have already latest core

Nice to see that chat is for free and not paid thanks

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Make sure you ensure chat after qbcore resource

Thanks :pray:

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Hahaha thanks :pray:

add the export lmao!

absolutely love this! cheers mate!!!

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thanks ! glad you like it

i like it i been using it for a min

how do you change to the color boxes instead of the black and white one?

in the css