[FREE] [QBCore] qb-ambulancejob Deathscreen Snippet

Made this incredibly simple deathscreen for you all. This is not a resource, but code snippets to make this work with a folder containing all front-end code needed for this.

I’ve removed the “[G] Distress signal” or whatever it said as that wouldn’t have worked on my server. If you still want to have that Distress signal button/text, then don’t remove it when implementing this code to your qb-ambulancejob resource.

Made this free because it literally took me 10 minutes to complete and I don’t understand how anyone can charge you even $5 for that. It’s pretty crap, but it does it job. As I said, it took 10 minutes to make so it’s not really high quality content if you ask me. But I assume some of you wants this!

Comes with bleeding out-, death-, respawn- and bedscreens.

Have fun and enjoy!

You find all the code here: GitHub - LifeGoal/elite_deathscreen: A Fivem Deathscreen for QBCore Framework. No full resource, just code-snippets for qb-ambulancejob. Enjoy!


Idk how people sell something like this.

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esx ?

I actually don’t know. It’s just a div with border that has text inside of it. I call it a scam to sell resources like that, but I dunno.

Unfortunately I’ve left esx years ago! So no, this is only for QBCore. But you can always use it on esx if you can implement it into those functions :slight_smile:

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Update 1.1

  • No more hardcoded trash code
  • All new locales can be added to your locale file
  • All titles and messages can now be edited with ease
  • Removed unnecessary code from script.js

To install

  • Just follow my tutorial and you are simply done, all new code has been sent to my github so feel free to use it!

THX A LOT! Nice!

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No problems :slight_smile:

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How do i take away the normal qbcore bleed out thing?

Do you mean the text? Remove the triggering of the 3dtext from qb-core. It should be in some kind of thread.

Otherwise, if you mean anything else regarding the UI / how to set it up, please follow the installation guide on github.

Best regards