[FREE][QBCORE] ps-hud edit

DOWNLOAD ps-hud edit

Today I am releasing a quick edit of ps-hud to have a gear system implemented from HRSGears.
The HUD is a simple design, feel free to edit them.
I have left the svelte source code in the repo for those who want to edit the design.

Special thanks to Kanee3 for their edit of qb-hud which inspired me to make this.

HRS Gears
Original ps-hud


Thank you for this edit it will be awesome to actually show these non driving mofos how to use a manual transmission! Keep it up bicboi.

is there any for esx?

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Anyone else getting this?

Ox_lib is not defined in fxmanifest. That’s why.

yeah I fixed that one, now just this https://i.imgur.com/lQYO048.png

Fixed those issues now, forgot to remove unnecessary exports

Great release works well but where do i find what cars i want automatic or not

Look for vehicleModels in HRSGears.lua
In there, you can add vehicle models.

Hi so when i add the vehicle into the vehicle models and i change gears it stuck in N but it does change gears