[FREE][QBCORE] inspired QBCore Hud

Will there be a update to work with ps-buffs (GitHub - Project-Sloth/ps-buffs) anytime soon?

Looks like that for me, I’m in 1920, played around with the safe zone thingy, toggled/untoggled the fixed NUI setting, tried playing around in the CSS but to no avail (I suck at this so I reverted all my changes :D)

reinstall it make sure to delete the old qb-hud folder.

I straight up replaced it

no don’t do that because there might be some left over css file that could mess up the position

Mine looks fine I’m on 1920x1080.

imanidiot dot com

Thanks, it worked lol

Hi, I’ve found some minor bugs.

1.) with manual put it in any gear floor it and it goes to max speed. With first gear when you floor it you get in 10 seconds to 210kph lol

2.) You get a low fuel notification in the car but when you go to refuel the pump says your car is full.

3.) When I open the menu I can pick the setting but when I decide to leave the menu the game stalls and you cant even exit the game or do nothing.

But nice design looks really nopixel alike.

Reinstall it with the latest version make sure to delete the old qb-hud folder and for the fuel it will work just fine with legacy fuel and for the manual please kindly drop me a video of that bug happening please.

anybody knows why the icons and the colors filled not in center?

So yeah, Fuel system works on cars that are local or ingame but cars that you spawn over your qb-admin are all low fuel as soon as you get them and you cannot fuel them at the pump at it says fuel is full. Also this is a sultan that is by default manual with your script. You can get to top speed with 1st and 2nd but the other gears seem to be normal. Also note that the in video speed is in MPH just that I did not yet change the HTML value KPH.

Install legacy fuel and give me an update.

I have it installed.

Then it should work

For the Manual transmission never restart the script while you are in a manual vehicle otherwise it will do that now restart your server clear cache then try again.

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CAn A mAnuAl cAr Achieve A 12345 insteAd of just showing A

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What’s the problem?

love the look of this HUD. is there a way to disable the speedo and fuel? as i have jim-mechanic which now includes a cool HUD for vehicles

Hello, the hud looks great and all but the speedometer wont work. Any way to fix this?

guess we got overlooked =/