[FREE] [QBCORE] [ESX] Music Speaker / Radio / Yt Player

Script that allow you to play a youtube video and and syncs it with all the people around him

-If you leave the area and re-enter you will continue listening to the song for the exact second that it currently goes

-You can set defaults speaker in certains coords in the config

-Works with ESX and QBCORE
-With more distance from the speaker near that is playing the volume is more lower

Preview: https://youtu.be/2Eei8uVcmMk
Download: https://github.com/GachaDev/gacha_speaker


Nice release Gacha!

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Nice Gacha

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Thank you Guille!

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Thank you maaaaaaan!!! Now i test it <3

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Thanks you my dude!!! very nice Gacha! better speaker script.

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i got it up but nothing is playing

You change the name of the script? If you changed it the script will not work

nope not renamed the script thats the same i can get the player up and put a link in but no sound


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how do I open the ui

So when I start it up I hear the music but others can not…is there a setting in regular gta that needs to be set or is there some other setting that is going on where no one else can hear the music…great job btw

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It not works with last QBFramework.

It gives error in console:
Failed to load script @qb-core/import.lua.

This file not longer exist in qb-core :confused: (And i don’t know what sustituyed that)

Try it like this in fxmanifest :


Give it a try and tell if it works !

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It seems to work, now resource is loaded.

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i have the same problem with esx legacy. you find a Solution?

I am not able to place down a speaker

Saying issue with line 90 and its failing to load the script

QB: First of all, guys you need to create an item names speaker in your shared items.lua
You also need to add:
local QBCore = exports[‘qb-core’]:GetCoreObject() to the client.lua and server.lua
Thats what made it work for me. Keep in mind the notifications are in french.
Trying to find out if there is a volume control? Cant seem to see one in the code, gonna try add one myself

could you show the code? tried it but still getting errors

and how does the speaker by coord work with url? do i place the url in the config file?