[FREE] [QBCore] Copper Cutting

This is an script that allows you to cut copper, you can go around 100+ preconfigured locations where you can cut copper. When you have a heavy cutter in your inventory you can cut copper from the locations. The script is synced so when someone start cutting copper the location where the player have cut will no longer be available for any players on the server. Also will every location reset after 20 minutes (real time).

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maybe add a Police alert chance for theft of public property

Nice random Dutch, wonder where it’s from :thinking:.

Oh sorry, i changed it. This is because i have a dutch server but wanted to upload this resource and forgot to translate. But it is now translated thanks for letting me know :smiley:

I have changed the alert to theft of public property.

Hmm, looks familiair… Nice release i guess :roll_eyes:

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