[FREE][QBCore] Car Delivery Rewrite

FiveM car delivery script (Rewrite)

This rewrite release might be less stable, if you want the old version, change the branch in github

FiveM resource for servers with QbCore Framework.

Start a mission for a car delivery, steal the car, drive it to the destination, profit.

Pretty simple so far, further updates coming soon.

:film_projector::arrow_down: Check the video below! :film_projector::arrow_down:

Preview video


Github page
Direct download from Github


  • Payout based on vehicle condition (Engine, Body, Rank)
  • Very configurable
  • Cooldown between each taken job
  • Possible cop car chase when the car is stolen
  • Rank system with better cars spawning the more xp you get
  • Chat commands for checking current level
  • Admin rank editing options
  • Level up and level down notifications
  • Vehicles deleted more seemlessly
  • NEW Now uses qb-target and polyzone



  1. Download or clone this repository inside your resources folder
  2. Remove the “-main” part from folder name
  3. Add a line to your server.cfg file → ensure hiype-cardelivery
  4. Add a line inside [qb] → qb-core → server → player.lua
   PlayerData.metadata['cardeliveryxp'] = PlayerData.metadata['cardeliveryxp'] or 0

      An example image can be found at the bottom of this section.

  1. If your server is running, remember to either restart your server or do /refresh and also /start hiype-cardelivery

Enter this line


To start the job, go to the location seen on the map below.


Once there, go next to the NPC and use third eye (left alt) to start the job. You will receive a message about the vehicle you need to steal.

Job start location

Follow the objective, use any lockpick to open the car and hotwire if necessary.

Drive to the destination. Beware, if the car is destroyed, job will fail!

Once you arrive at the destination, stop the car inside the objective blip on mini map. Job will finish and you will get paid depending on distance driven and condition of the car.

Config and translation info

Head to the wiki page for detailed explanation on each variable

My other scripts

[PAID] [QBCore] Janitor job/Custom interaction job script
[PAID] [QBCore] Debug menu
[FREE] [QBCore] Job queue
[FREE] [QBCore] Scenery
[FREE] [QBCore] [Standalone] Photoshoot


No errors, no lags but target no working

No errors, no lags but target no working
Do you need to add anything to the target?

Do you have the latest qbcore release with qb-target in it and useTarget enabled in server.cfg?

anyway to modfity to esx ?

Technically you could rewrite it for ESX usage, but I don’t think it would happen that quickly

We had several players report that the starting NPC for this job was duplicated several times. It turns out they were right. The starting NPC is regenerated several times throughout the day and we are unsure what is causing this. It seems to be causing frame drops when players enter this area since the ped is typically spawned many many times over. Screenshot by Lightshot

Should be fixed now!

Check your GitHub please:
[BUG] · Issue #22 · Hiype/hiype-cardelivery (github.com)

“Once you arrive at the destination, stop the car inside the objective blip on mini map. Job will finish and you will get paid depending on distance driven and condition of the car.”

I’ve been doing this, after installing the script by following the instructions to a T and when I reach the destination on the map, nothing happens. I added the line into the player.lua.

Not really what to do to fix it. Does it need to be ensured in any particular order in server.cfg? Would appreciate some help, thanks!

Hi! Might be that the script hasn’t been updated in a while parallel to QB updating, so I will check it out when I have some free time.

1 Like

Thank you so much!

Is there a way to turn off the xp skills needed? Want to use it without the XP

The reason the eye dont work on the npc is the

  • Command configurations
    Config.PermissionLevel = “admin”

Can we get a fix for this ? i tryed commend out this permission then the eye dont work
if i have the admin permission the script works 100% fine…
but i cant remove the permission so normal players cant use it.