I’m happy to share / release a small snowplowing job that I wrote for qb-core and the holiday season!
Allow players to take out a variety of snowplows at a configurable location!
Tackle three different job sizes!
Prevent power loss due to inclement weather via player’s plowing contributions to the server!
Potentially clear the weather & snow via player’s plowing contributions to the server!
Reward players with money and snowballs for their work!
This resource will not work as intended out-of-the-box. In order to get this resource functioning, you must choose at least one vehicle for the three job sizes: small, medium, and large. Due to the lack of plows or other utility vehicles that may adequately fit the job in base game, I recommend finding vehicles elsewhere for this purpose.
You will also want to give players a way to get this job or else they will be unable to rent a snowplow / partake in the festivities.
Installation of this resource is somewhat straightforward
Drop the latest release from GitHub Releases into your resources folder and unzip it.
Ensure the resource through your server.cfg.
Find and choose plowing vehicles that you’d like to use - jot down the spawn codes.
Review the config.lua for any changes you’d like to make and add the plow spawn codes accordingly.
Omg is this used on the so amazing server EdenRP? Its such a nice and unique script for good RP and a good way to get people mad and scared when the power goes out!!
I wish I could add ESX support :') Unfortunately I don’t have access to an ESX dev server / time to dedicate to adding it. Would definitely accept a PR if someone makes one / can add ESX support!
script:pc-snowplow] Error loading script server/main.lua in resource pc-snowplow: @pc-snowplow/server/main.lua:23: No such export setDynamicWeather in resource infw-weathersync
Oop, it doesn’t look like that weather resource is going to be able to support this resource since it’s designed to cycle through weather patterns and this resource has to pause the weather / be the controller of it in order to allow players to “clear the roads”.
Hate to tell you to switch resources, but I would recommend temporarily switching to qb-weathersync if you want to use this (as qb-weathersync allows a frozen / externally maintained weather state.)
You could tweak it so that you do not have to add them to the vehicles.lua file (since it is only used for grabbing the friendly name), but it’s best to add them to the vehicles.lua file with the proper information.
Currently no, but that could be really cute! The most resource intensive part of this script is drawing the markers so a prop would help with resources, I think, even if it was just a w_ex_snowball.
This will make the entire world snow (weather type XMAS) to the point where the road is covered! If enough plowing is done, then the weather type changes to the one you have set up in the config. I attempted to use SNOW, but had some trouble with intermittent fog, so I decided to allow you to set the cleared roads weather state through the config.
That’s odd… Are you getting any client or server errors?
Can you also confirm that the vehicle is in qb-core/shared/vehicles.lua? Someone ran into a similar situation when taking out a vehicle and it was caused by a missing vehicle entry: [FREE][QB] Snowplowing Job - #11 by Frequency_Roleplay