[FREE][QB] qb-decay


This is a proof-of-concept for a server-sided, qb-core item degradation system that uses a cron schedule, and runs whether players are on or not. This can adjust qualities of items in player inventories, stashes, gloveboxes and trunks. This POC is only to provide the decay mechanism and will not include code changes needed elsewhere for that sanity-checking and implementation; that’s up to you.

Set the hours of the day that you want the decay to occur, this is according to the server’s clock. Next, add a degrade value with a float amount that an item will be decayed by, to each item you want affected, in your QBShared.Items. This decay will take place at each point of the day you set in the config.


  • oxmysql (Written for ver. 1.8.7, I know they’ve done a syntax change since then.)
  • ox_lib (For cron scheduling purposes)


Items have qualities. They go down. Not much else to it.




Another cool release, I know for sure this will help economy servers out!

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Would be nice if we woul have esx version of that :smiley:


Hello, I tried to start it but it tells me that I need the “cron” dependency, I downloaded it, installed it and I still get the same

Amazing I love this, good work!

me too

W are looking to implement a new decay system on our server. However, the download link to CRON is no longer valid. Is it still required if we are using new QBCore? If so … can we get a new source?

It looks like ESX moved cron to the following link within the esx-legacy repo - esx-legacy/[esx]/cron at 0e09d4ad2a4439fea44db607c9520f78e780fa1b · esx-framework/esx-legacy · GitHub

why is this listed as QB when it has ESK dependencies? make it make sense

I used cron, a resource in the esx framework, but is not dependant on the esx core object/framework. You can simply add cron to your server.

Is this still being maintained?

very nice need this to esx !

ESX Version would be great


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Esx best

any chance to make it for esx version ?