[FREE][QB] Pawn Store Job / Script

What’s This?

The original pawnstore with QBCore doesn’t include any player-to-player interaction, so I made this for my server. It includes a lot of configuration and the config.lua is commented so you can add more items & configure it to suit your server.

This script is designed to work with Hassaric’s pawn store MLO, if you do not use this you will need to change the coordinates in config.lua


  • Whitelist/Job ‘pawnstore’
  • Stash counter to avoid dropping items into the void
  • Fluctuating item values, like crypto the value of gold can go up and down
  • Allow players to sell items for a % of the sell price when no pawnstore staff available
  • Limit what items can be sold without pawnstore staff
  • Limit/increase the number of items that can be sold at once
  • Change/disable the blip easily
  • Persistent item values over server restarts
  • Don’t have to rejoin the server after being assigned the job

Download / More Info

GitHub: GitHub - JamesSc0tt/qb-overlord-pawnstore


No support is offered anywhere but this thread, do not join my discord or DM me requesting support. If you cannot read I will not support you.

There will not be an ESX version of this script.

More custom scripts available alongside a dedicated EU playerbase:


Getting an error for CONFIG in client/main

same here hoping to find a fix

did you figure it out or get help?

Has anyone managed to find a fix for the error?

in the config.lua
change the first line from QBCore = exports[‘qb-core’]:GetSharedObject() – do not touch
replace it with this
QBCore = exports[‘qb-core’]:GetCoreObject() – do not touch

nothing else needs changing. this fixes the entire script.
i will submit a pull req on github, hopefully the dev accepts it

Is there an option for making an item sellable to the Pawn Store but not purchasable?

Try this one

QBCore = exports[‘qb-core’]:GetCoreObject() – do not touch

CONFIG = {} – do not touch

CONFIG[‘Debug’] = false

CONFIG[‘Job’] = false – if you want the menu to only be accessible by the below job
CONFIG[‘JobName’] = ‘pawnstore’

CONFIG[‘Max’] = 10 – maximum items to buy/sell at one time

CONFIG[‘Locations’] = {} – do not touch
CONFIG[‘Locations’][‘Sell’] = vector3(-269.757, 234.112, 90.60) – where the menu is
CONFIG[‘Locations’][‘Stash’] = vector3(-266.44, 236.98, 90.57) – where the counter is

CONFIG[‘UseBlip’] = true – enable map blip
CONFIG[‘Locations’][‘Blip’] = vector3(-272.74, 243.68, 90.4)
CONFIG[‘Blip’] = {
sprite = 431,
color = 28,
scale = 0.75,
shortrange = true,
name = “Harrison’s Pawn Shop”,

CONFIG[‘AllowOfflineSale’] = true – allow players to sell at the offline spot if nobody with the job is available
CONFIG[‘OfflineValue’] = 0.8 – % of full sale value when no player online (false to disable)
CONFIG[‘Locations’][‘Offline’] = vector3(-281.41, 243.7, 89.69) – where the ‘[E] to sell goods’ is

CONFIG[‘Items’] = { – items that can be bought/sold at the pawnstore

CONFIG[‘Prices’] = {} – do not touch
CONFIG[‘Prices’][‘goldbar’] = {
buy = 4500, – the price the item can be bought at the laptop for
sell = 4000, – the price the item can be sold at the laptop for
offline = true, – can the item be sold without a player with the job
worth = { – worth can be false if you do not want the prices to fluctuate
min = 5, – min the price can go up/down by
max = 15, – max the price can go up/down by
mininterval = 12000000, – minimum time since last variation to go up/down (milliseconds)
chance = 25, – chance of it going up
lastupdate = 0, – do not touch
CONFIG[‘Prices’][‘rolex’] = {
buy = 400,
sell = 250,
offline = true,
worth = false,

Look recent

look recent

i want an easier place to translate the script, since i need it translated to Norwegian