[FREE][QB/ESX/QBX] bostra_appearance (An illenium re-work)

I was inspired playing BG3 and other extensive character creators to get down to details in FiveM character creation as well. So here’s my project to rework this into it’s own identity. Star and follow the GitHub repo for planned updates.




  • Everything from the latest illenium-appearance

  • Additional camera functionality when using the former ‘rotate’ menu button, including:

    Control Action
    Left-click Drag camera
    Right-click Drag character
    Mouse wheel Zoom in/out
    Q Spotlight your character
    E Cycle through animations while in the UI



  1. This is a fork of pushkart2’s fork of illenium-appearance to allow custom file names. So name your folder to match existing exports if you have other scripts using them.

  2. Follow the original installation documentation here.

  3. Enjoy.



This amazing, will it be possible to change position/animation so its possible to chech for breaches in the clothes, like arms can be buggy


Yep! Animations are in the config at the bottom. No more players complaining about arms clipping and having to repay to use the clothing menu.


Really nice work! Loooove it :heart_eyes:

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This is really awsome ! Thank you Bostra !

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just when we thought illenium couldnt get better! lol Great work!

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Thanks everyone, I hope you all enjoy the changes so far.

Dope release!

I tried the E to emote thing and this appeared, my cursor disappeared also and wouldn’t come back weirdly enough.

I’m using Scully for emote menu

(edit - nvm, I ended up diffchecking it and seeing where I went wrong, user error I believe lol)

The animations are standalone so it shouldn’t conflict with any menus, but yeah it looks like you didn’t have the additional config options I moved to the config. Glad you got it sorted.

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I get stuck in menus everytime, cant figure it out. But really looks dope

The only thing I can think is finding an export or something to disable your pause menu or rebinding the exit key listeners to something else. I’m sorry!

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Dont you worry, hopefully I will fond a solution, because this script inspired me to :drum:

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Thats some cool shit

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Thank youu :heart:

Having an issue with the script in my server. Since I’ve put it in, the server crashes and goes down when more than person tries to join

buenísimo trabajo ! felicidades !

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That sounds like something externally. Feel free to join the support discord in the repo and we can try to troubleshoot that together.

Anyone knows why the fade in hairstyles doens’t apply ? It appears and go away once you save.

Are you using custom fades? It might be that. Sometimes swapping the fade and swapping it back after applying the hair over it, will refresh it. Feel free to join the discord for support.

Hey Bostra, no I don’t use custom fades, only the default ones.