Pure HUD - Download
resources/build/ folder is missing on git. So it does nothing at this time. Its looks good based on the video tho.
I’m sorry, it completely slipped my mind
It should be fixed now
Could you check again?
Working now bud.
woow really nice design bro
Stress problem solved & Colour Change feature added
Stress display is false but it is still shown
It’s nice, but would it be possible to make the top right bit toggle-able?
I was dumb i fixed.
Possible for QBX Support?
I would like to turn off the top right too
Things I would add to improve it, bank money, pocket money, society money, solid minimap instead of semi-transparent, ability to move them around, settings to turn things on/off.
I like it because it’s clean, I would use it if those options are implemented. Good job tho !
Stress: when selected incorrectly, it disappears not only functionally but visually as well.
Display: it can optionally not be shown in the top right corner (Player Display / Money Display)
Display = {
PlayerDisplay = true,
MoneyDisplay = true
An update has arrived for this
I’ll bring an update for this soon
With today’s update, it’s now possible
Cool Hud but please add Job hud and Blackmoney hud would be cool!