[FREE][QB/ESX/ND] Randolio: Ghost Hunting


ESX/QB/ND supported with bridge

A little ghost hunting minigame inspired from GTA online that can occur every server restart. All 5 ghosts will be randomly generated at set coordinates until your server restarts or you restart the resource.

Player’s can only do it once per server restart on that specific character. Small cash rewards per photo captured, adjust if you want. Add more locations, whatever! There is only 5 ghost models so don’t touch those. Also, the ghosts spawn between 11pm and 2am, so you gotta get them quick.

This requires game build 2944 to use.

Preview: Watch randol_ghosthunting | Streamable
Link: Randolio/randol_ghosthunting: [ESX/QB/ND] A GTA online inspired ghost hunting minigame. (github.com)

I do not care for your ideas or suggestions. I had my idea, I wrote it and released it for free. It functions as I wanted it to and if you can’t respect that, don’t use it.

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 390 |
| Requirements | Game Build 2944/ox_lib |
| Support | No |


Would be really cool if the ghost just appeared at night instead of before server restarts. It could be a actual civ job instead of like a last minute server event

But its a really cool and fun good job :smiley:

they do appear at night… They just get generated at their location on server start.

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wont it be better if u have it random math everytime pick up quest cuzz wat if people dont always restart server it will be sae spots everytime

Omg you guys just don’t fucking get it. Jesus.

When you start your server up, it picks 5 random locations from a list of coordinates and places the ghost there. They will be at those spots the whole time your server is up.

The whole point is to do it once per server restart. If you don’t restart your server, I don’t give a shit. Community just sits there and whines and thinks they’re entitled to make suggestions on free scripts. Go make it yourself.


cool script, but do the ghosts spawn in the same spots every time or are they random, I am so confused…


I hate you LOOOOL

Pretty sweet. Someone could easily make this into a quest type ghost hunting script with a little more coding. Great free release!

why so rude i was just giving ideas

Dude drops an awesome free release and the majority of comments are people not even reading the code and making comments on features or suggesting changes lol.

FiveM be a real strange place sometimes.

Can’t wait to use this for halloween. Great work. Thank you.


we surely gonna expand this script in the future, make it more job based…

great release!

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what dlc need because i have the drugwars and the ghost dont spawn

2944, as stated in the post.

hey Randolio i love your scripts man, dont worry about some of these people who dont bother to read and understand your scripts man, i do have one question, i know it says 2944 for server build is there a way to make it usable on 2699 as that is what i am using for steering wheel support for my server, if not no worries man great script though

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I got it working in that version, but you need to transfer the props, sounds and effects from the latest DLC with openiv.

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Just a small quality of life update. Digital cam scaleform and zoom in/out sounds


what is the file address for that stuff if you dont mind me asking

This is really nice done, awsome script, I wish i had a camera system similar to this one tho that will give you pic as an item with metadata. Really awsome job ! I love it ! 10/10 !

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