[FREE][PROP] šŸ• 5 Pizza slices

5 really simple and quick pizza props to use for like eating animations or something.

Just drag & drop the folder into your resources and ensure it or add this line to your fxmanifest from your prop pack.

data_file 'DLC_ITYP_REQUEST' 'stream/knjgh_pizzas.ytyp'


Pizzaslice1: JalapeƱo and peperoni, probably.
Pizzaslice2: Tomato and pesto, i think.
Pizzaslice3: Mushroom, right?
Pizzaslice4: Margherita!
Pizzaslice5: Double Peperoni


God knows every city could do with more food props, especially for eating animations, hope to see more additions soon

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where do I paste this package, canā€™t find the folder


Just drag and drop the ā€œknjgh_pizzaslices_propsā€ folder into your resources and ensure it.

I know right! I just got the Gabz subscription and now i just need more props! Its a little bit of effort and my props arenā€™t perfect, but it does add that little bit of extraness to your eating animations! Iā€™m probably gonna make some fruits next.


I cant get them to show up. All my other custom props show

If you add them to your own prop pack, make sure to do a DLC request to my ytyp.
Add: data_file ā€˜DLC_ITYP_REQUESTā€™ ā€˜stream/knjgh_pizzas.ytypā€™ to your fxmanifest.

I always try out props using vMenu. The prop names are just the names of the ydr files.
So, knjgh_pizzaslice1, knjgh_pizzaslice2, and so on.

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I did but still nothing. Iā€™ll try the vmenu method

does anyone have a working code for esx when eating a pizza slice that it is right rotated and positioned?

vmenu method works but it doesnt work when I set it as a food prop when eating pizza

Can you show me your basicneeds/server/main.lua file?

Youā€™re the best! Thanks man, thatā€™s doope!

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Hi all, iā€™ve been getting a few questions in my dm about how to add this as usable item. So for the ones that donā€™t know, hereā€™s how to do it in esx.

First make sure to add food_pizza_jalapeno_peperoni (or whatever name you want) as item in your database. Then make the item usable by adding this to your esx_basicneeds/server/main.lua (could add it anywhere, but i recommend adding it all in basicneeds):

 ESX.RegisterUsableItem('food_pizza_jalapeno_peperoni', function(source) --database item name
 	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
	xPlayer.removeInventoryItem('food_pizza_jalapeno_peperoni', 1)  --database item name
 	TriggerClientEvent('esx_status:add', source, 'hunger', 100000) --- amount of hunger added
 	TriggerClientEvent('esx_basicneeds:onEat', source, 'knjgh_pizzaslice1') -- -propname
 	xPlayer.showNotification(_U('used_food')) --- or whatever you use. Recommend making 1 in general and not 1 per item, like 'used_food'.

You can do this with every item that needs to be usable.

Make sure esx_basicneeds/locales/en.lua (or whatever language you use), does contain the new ā€˜used_foodā€™. If not, add ['used_food'] = 'Yummy!',

That should work. Correct me if iā€™m wrong!

Ofcourse make sure to ensure knjgh_pizzaslices_props in your server.cfg. But i recommend combining all your food props into 1 resource. If you only use mine, then this is alright.

This is a masterpiece!


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Thank you! :')

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