[Free] Police Backup Call With Custom Radio Voice

Request Police Backup

Allows police officers to request backup for different scenarios with custom keybinds and Custom voice . Backup requests include: Code 1: Foot Pursuit Code 2: Vehicle Pursuit Code 3: Armed Robbery Code 99: Heavy 10-10 (Serious armed incidents)


QBCore: This script is built for the QBCore framework.
InteractSound: Used for playing the alert sounds.
Notification Systems (Optional): Supports qb-notify, ox_lib, and okokNotify.
Preview https://youtu.be/mltswgGXO1c
Download : GitHub - Brave-developments/brave_policebackup

Code is accessible yes
Subscription-based no
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements qbcore
Support Yes


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i just made a simple conversion to esx if someone need i made a request to your github

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I like the idea of this definitely a cool idea

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thank you for that

cool script but can you make it compatible with ESX? would be pretty awesome

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Dope script Brave

