[FREE] [OX] WX RedZone - Simple Red Zone Script

Hello, today I am releasing my free Red Zone script, that allows you to create as many “Red Zones” as you want. When you’re in a red zone with another players, you see them on your map (toggleable). This resource is also standalone, I am using ox_lib for callbacks, notifications, points and TextUI. On the GitHub repo I’m including a built (compiled) version with all the node modules so you don’t have to build it yourself. If you want to, I also wrote a quick guide for it.

I have to say that this is my first FiveM resource that I wrote in typescript, also I am a complete beginner in typescript, you’re more than welcome to give me some feedback on my code.

[GitHub] Download

Config File



nice script have u ever thought about adding where if they go in zone they get a weapon that was stated in config and have it remove when they leave zone

how do I export call in lua? like if player in zone, then do something

local isInZone = exports['wx_redzone']:isInRedZone()
if isInZone then
    -- do something

Had this error, I have zero knowledge about js, could use some help. This script tends to be useful though for gangwar and other related functions

Hey, you have to build it, or you can use the built version in github releases, but if you change the config you’ll still need to rebuild it



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