[FREE] [OX SUPPORT] mp-carbomb | Car Bomb Placement and Retrieval Script


Car Bomb Placement and Retrieval Script for FiveM

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  • Fully Configurable)
  • Armed Vehicle Check
  • Use of Bomb Mirror Detection for Police



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+ Lines of Code
Requirements See Dependencies
Support Yes

when you add the “use phone to explode” can you make it compatible with a few systems ie quasar phone and npwd etc etc. thank you

It’s probably going to be a standalone phone item (like bombphone or something), rather than an application on a pre-existing phone, to prevent any confusion in the matter. Last thing I need is to support 20+ phones on a script that doesn’t even need it.

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so more like a dedicated remote trigger, i like that idea, look forward to the updates !!!

Support for other inventories like Quasar?

Not at this time, as ox_inventory is the only resource I support at the moment.

if you don’t mind me asking what person made the car you use in the pick

I dont mind at all.

Its a modified Buffalo STX that was made exclusively for my server. I have someone that has been making a whole fleet for me from scratch.