[FREE] [OX_LIB] Hellslicer Radio - rewrite in lua

I have rewritten this in lua: GitHub - Hellslicer/fivem-radio: FXS Radio Resource

I have used this but it was using too much resmon, so i rewritten it with chatgpt ngl!
I fixed bugs with chatgpts’s code added ox_lib on chache thing and its working fine!

resmon: 0.00ms (while in use too!)

Credit to the original creator Hellsclicer!

Download: GitHub - drazoxXD/fivem-radio: Hellslicer/fivem-radio rewrite in ox_Lib


Sick script bro. The old Javascript one had 0.10+ ms resmon while not in use, the max I have counted on this one is 0.00ms when in use. Good job ChatGPT!

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I know man kinda cringe but yeah XDDDDDDD

I am trying to fix stuff wich chatgpt did not do!

btw originaly tried maing my own rewrite but i was tired so i made it like 2 days ago and i am trying to fix bugs and things like that!