[Free] Ox Inventory

Hello I got a bank system that take apply taxes from people money actually I dont allow people to save money in any stash but with OX Inventory and money as item im not able to make them pay taxes, coz they can save money in stashes because its a item, and not a an “account”.

There is any way to add items to a blacklist and then people couldnt save certain items in stashs/inventorys/cars?

Thanks and have a good day!

Hello, can you set the items in the inventory so that if you use water, you get a plastic bottle for it? what do I have to add to the item? :slight_smile:

hello, the inventory is perfect but I would like to modify the ammunition system that it currently has, I only managed to modify the maximum number of bullets that it can load but not the amount that each bullet item gives; I would also like that when using it not remove all the items from ammunition and only one

Just add giveitem on OnUse water :slight_smile:

How do I add that then :slight_smile:

Rly? U could even just use exports.ox_inventory:AddItem(inv, item, count, metadata, slot, cb)

Im also using NDCore and NoCharacters (no permission groups) since we use vMenu and ace perms

how do you have to enter it here?

[‘water’] = {
label = ‘Wasser’,
weight = 750,
client = {
status = { thirst = 200000 },
anim = { dict = ‘mp_player_intdrink’, clip = ‘loop_bottle’ },
prop = { model = prop_ld_flow_bottle, pos = vec3(0.03, 0.03, 0.02), rot = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.5) },
usetime = 2500,
cancel = true,
notification = ‘Du hast Wasser getrunken’

:ox: :ox: :ox: :ox: :ox:

Help me please :slight_smile:

I Need Help Getting The code giveitem nearby to display there name of the people who is around meLike Say If Admin Try’s To Give Sum To Somebody Rn But When He Slide Sum To Give An Lil Menu Would Pop Up Inna Top Left Corner Giving Him Options Who To Give Too Do Yk Exactly Where At?


great inventory and easy to use, also has many abilities to customize

are gloveboxes and trunks enabled by default? everything is working great for me with the inventory except I can’t get gloveboxes or trunks to function. I did not see anything in the configuration.cfg example pertaining to it. thank you for any help!

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use this configuration that should solve your problem there is a point in the inventory.cfg get player list make it true and it will work for you.


its on the K Key on your Keyboard but same thing if your are unsure read the inventory guide above i sent in here.

Appreciate the help. The configuration you shared is the one I used when settings everything up. I do not see a get player list in the config you shared, but I do see

#Show a list of all nearby players when giving items
setr inventory:giveplayerlist true

and I have the same set on my side if that is what you are referencing,

Since K is used by another resource I have, I have the following in the config

setr inventory:keys [“F2”, “O”, “TAB”]

When I press O while in a vehicle or behind a vehicle at the trunk nothing happens.

Pressing F2 while in vehicle brings up inventory as normal, I assume the inventory I see on the right side is for the ground, and not the trunk which is why it wont let me drag an item over.

so I assume you have to use the second hotkey set in the line above, in this case O to access trunk or glovebox, but it seems to not function, perhaps I am still overlooking something.

very much appreciate your help. thank you.

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i think this is what you looking for @Quake506

So it seems like

setr inventory:keys [“F2”, “O”, “TAB”]

has no effect on what keys function for what. Even removing that line, the keys function for thier defaults. I believe this is why I am having the issue with the trunk and glove box, my K key is being used by a different resource.

do you have any idea why setting the hot keys in config seems to no have effect?

the config is loading as I tested other settings in it, such as whether there is a prop or marker for dropped items, and that all works as expected.

Jap you should change it back to K and change the other Script

Anyone know any good scripts that are not esx, where you can rob people and take it from inventory or some such