[Free] Ox Inventory

Some pawn shop working with this inventory?
or a place to sell items using the inventory?

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I have a Question I`ve searched the whole OX_inventory for the police cloakroom coordinates. Where is it? Or how is it connected to esx_policejob?

I want to disable it completely

Found it :joy:
Such easy location
Its under stashes :man_facepalming:

Well believe it or not the cloak room is not part of the inventory. The inventory is for the items.

can’t put items in glovebox or trunk, any solution?

Whether a weapon license can be changed to an item

my bad, i was pressing f2 for glove blox but k is used for glove box and trunk

Is there a way to disable the shops?

Do the dumpster stashes have to be made by us or do they come with the inventory?

Is it possible to still use weapon wheel with ox inventory? As we dont plan to use the weapons in inventory just yet as we are vMenu?

and if not

can we assign ace permission to an item to prevent someone from buying it in a shop if they do not have the proper perms?

did you ever fix this?!

What are the instructions for adding new items? I understand how to add the PNGs and i also see it already generates the SQL data but when i load into my game my inventory no longer works and i get an error. What am i doing wrong? :frowning:

mismo problema. Âżlo has logrado arreglar?

I have 3 questions:

Question 1 : I want the weapon wheel. How i can enable it with the inventory?
Quesiton 2: ox_inventory does not detect the trunk or the glove box like ACP_arnau’s post and i don’t know how i can fix it.
Quesiton 3: where i can enable ox_target in vending machines and other script items?

Ho do I fix images not showing in the inventory. Some do and some don’t.

Just has to be the same image file name as the name in the items list/shops list in the web/images folder

Weird. Everything seems to match up, but the image is not working in the inventory. For example, the burger is one not working.

Probably relevant.

Hi, I would like to use this inventory system but I need the functionality to sell items with the shops.
With our current inventory system we are using shops to sell for example drugs from different drug scripts or added a lower price to sell items (shown on the picture).

Here is how it looks in our current inventorys config:
{type = ‘item’, name = ‘bodycam’, method = ‘money’, price = 100, sellPrice = 50},

It would be great if you could add the feature of selling items in shops :slight_smile:


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Hi, I would like to know how do I put an image as a background, I tried several different ways, could someone help me or is it not possible?

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