[FREE] ox inventory addons

carry items should probably not stack

hi can you make this for qs-inventory?

Probably not. Never used qs-inventory and dont really plan on making anything for it

how to get rid of this purple color?

Dans ton server.cfg, tu as du configurer ox_inventory si tu l’as installĂ©.

Tu dois donc avoir la ligne setr inventory:dropprops true

Comme expliqué dans la documentation Ox Inventory - Documentation

It needs a big update, many players get weapons on their backs without having them, now this is purple

Can it be used as a container?

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This is now fixed, i just accidentally left it in from when i was testing

since my last update, it seems to be working properly for me.

Update pushed just now that fixes the issue with other players weapons getting stuck to your back sometimes


good job demidad

Nice man!!

Is there a way, when people have prop with Itemcarry. That they cant access cars.

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Yeah that should be no problem

Where did you get your inventory design? In the preview.

I made it

Would you mind sharing it or selling it?

so im trying to use the drag craft , i have two types of weed and im trying to make joints and blunt of both but its only allowing me to make joints of both types or blunts of both types , not able to make all four together . any clue why

can you show me the code?

here is the data file
data.lua (3.0 KB)

hmmm okay im kind of seeing why this wont work. let me make some changes to the drag crafting system and get back to you.