[FREE][OX/ESX/QB] MBT Meta Clothes

Tebex URL: https://malibu-tech.tebex.io/category/mbt-meta-clothes

What is it?

MBT Meta Clothes take advantage of ox_inventory metadata feature giving you the possibility to turn your clothes into unique items. Undress yourself using a clean and simple NUI and have fun swapping your outfits with your friends!


  • ox_lib
  • ox_inventory


  • Turn clothes into items and swap them with your friends
  • ESX compatible (Tested with ESX Legacy)
  • Ox Core compatible
  • QB Core compatible
  • Optimized for low CPU usage
  • Customizable labels
  • Customizable notifications

Our other releases:

MBT Drink Machine Good looking drink vending machine with NUI
MBT Elevator Nice and interactive elevator system with NUI
MBT Logo HUD Minimal, elegant and customizable HUD
MBT Ratio KD Ratio leaderboard with rewards
Grove Street Project Spruce up the entire Groove Street
SkyClub Beautiful skycraper in Los Santos with Dj Set, VIP Area and Bar. Available in eight colors


Thank you for the share , awsome job, just noticed we have close background hex colors lol.

any chance this could be made to work with MF inventory, as it uses meta data? This is dope been looking for something like this

This is very good, thank you for the good work for the community!

woooow nice work bro :it:

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mf inventory is a paid resource, so we would not have the way to try and test it, but if someone willing would like to try to add compatibility, just open us a PR on github and we will include it

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Thanks ! That’s great !
Would it be possible to add the masks as well as the bulletproof vests?

Bug encountered:

  • When I have a pair of shoes on my feet, if I put another shoe on, I lose the pair of shoes.

Example :
I have shoes on my feet
But also in my inventory
I put the shoes on my feet, the old ones disappear

Resolution :
Make sure that when you equip a new pair of shoes, the old one is added to the inventory

Anyone know how to do fix this ? I’m on Legacy 1.8.5

Set in the config.lua MBT.Framework = “ESX” :wink:

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Looks like i need some sleep, i missread that config part. Jesus Chrysler Ave Maria.
Thanks !

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Can you make it to work with qb-inventory/lj-inventory?

I might do it myself if or when i get time :smiley:

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+1 for lj-inventory.
This is insane for immersion.

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is it possible to change items it removes and/or add more options? or would you have to re do things in the UI?

You can change the item names, just remember to change also all them references into ox_inventory, if you want more wear/unwear options the ui needs to be adapted of course

Unfortunately, we’re not so in touch with QB, this script take advantage of ox_inventory metadata management, that’s a feature i don’t even know if qb-inventory and lj-inventory has
If anyone want to adapt it, its welcome :slight_smile:

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Do you plan to add Masks in feature ? That would be awsome !

pls make a qb-inventory config also

In the next update we’ll do that!

For masks and other accessories we will release another script soon!


Amazing, great work!
I was just talking about something like this with my friend

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