So I turn on a few other Indicators and those two started to work.
is there a way to enable / disable hud ? temp
The hud is great!!! just one issue I got no error but the fuel indicator do not work for me(goes up and down up and down) and I was not able to find where to put _FUEL_LEVEL. How can I fix that?
you’re using a fuel script right?
Yes, and no such entity
Hello, so first of all I am getting error in essentials: no suchexport ishudactive what Your hud uses? and second _FUEL_LEVEL entity for script
It would be nice if the hud was dynamic and the minimap had to be adjusted on ultrawide screens
try using last commit instead of release, anyway a new version using react is being developed but i’m not really into it cause of lack of time
you cant because gta5 is supported for 16:9 not 21:9 or more …
we want itttttttttttt
OP request