Thank you and make sure to check out latest version! There are big performance improvements.
Add seatbelt and Is the best hud
thats a good idea tbh
Added seatbelt in the latest version, update!
You are the best man!
tip: in my opinion the icon of the km counter should be improved
How did you do that? Reproduction steps please
ah maybe because I restarted the resource without restarting the server
Update to latest version I just released
Can you create a menu ui similar to joe hud where any player can enable show job in top right?
No, I don’t like it
Hi i have problem with ““if nuiReady and ESX.PlayerLoaded”” all this line, can someone help plz?
Post the error, I can’t do much with a line of code
I can see you are using qb resources, did you realize the HUD is meant to be used with ESX right?
yes yes i’m using full esx resources, the qb resources is a phone converted in esx
It’s weird then, what ESX version are you using?
latest version man i start to build the gamemode yesterday XD