πŸš— [FREE] oSpeedoMeter - Real-time Speed Monitoring

:zap: [Release] oSpeedoMeter - Real-time Speed Monitoring


  • :clock3: Real-time speed monitoring for vehicles: Keep track of your vehicle’s speed in real time.
  • :gear: Customizable settings: Adjust maximum speed and tick rates to suit your needs.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Web-based user interface: Easy-to-use.

Download & Installation

  1. :inbox_tray: Download the script from the GitHub Repository.
  2. :open_file_folder: Extract the contents to your resources folder.
  3. :memo: Add the following line to your server.cfg:
    ensure oSpeedoMeter


Customize the settings in the config.lua file to adjust the maximum speed and tick rates.

:movie_camera: Showcase

Check out the demo video on YouTube to see oSpeedoMeter in action:

:rocket: My Other Creations

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Edit: I just noticed it. Disregard.