[Free] [Optimized] GCPhone Rewritten

GCPhone Rewritten

GitHub Workflow Status (branch) GitHub license GitHub all releases

Table of Contents

  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact

About The Project

GCPhone-Rewritten is a fork of the now unmaintained GCPhone V3 by ElBishop. This project’s main objective is to deliver the best, most updated, and refined experience GCPhone can offers.

We (or I at the moment) updated the whole project dependencies to ensure performance, security, and bug fixes. on top of that, we activate Eslint to ensure our code is in the best shape for production use (code standards-wise)

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • Yarn
    npm install yarn -g

Installation Production

Download the latest release of this resource HERE

Installation DEV

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/DmACKGL/GCPhone-Rewritten
  2. Install Yarn packages
    cd src_htmlPhone
    yarn install
  3. Build the project
    1. For production
      yarn run build
    2. For development
      yarn run dev


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the GLP-3.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.


Franco Sanllehi - GLDmACK#1313 - f.sanllehiromero@uandresbello.edu

Project Link: GCPhone-Rewritten


Amazing, thank you so much! A preview video will e amazing, later maybe I can do it and send you

1 Like

It’s cool and all but we are tired from seeing gcphone rewrites…


Looks awesome :+1:

Didnt work for me, just animation work, NUI didnt appear

What is the cpu usage of this script?

Same Problem…

could you make it non-esx? I use mumble and do vmenu rp and it would be cool to see this.

is it possible to make this script compatible with saltychat?

Standalone for gcphone is almost (probably not almost) impossible.


Search : gcPhone:acceptCall
exports['saltychat']:EstablishCall(AppelsEnCours[id].receiver_src, AppelsEnCours[id].transmitter_src)
exports['saltychat']:EstablishCall(AppelsEnCours[id].transmitter_src, AppelsEnCours[id].receiver_src)


Search : gcPhone:rejectCall
exports['saltychat']:EndCall(AppelsEnCours[id].receiver_src, AppelsEnCours[id].transmitter_src)
exports['saltychat']:EndCall(AppelsEnCours[id].transmitter_src, AppelsEnCours[id].receiver_src)

Should look like this:

P.S. This is how I fixed it with the original Gcphone, I don’t know if this works on this…


Do you think there could be an implementation to your version of GCPhone to stop Twitter accounts carrying over between characters? Perhaps adding an identifier column to the Twitter account SQL and linking that to the code?

One of the main reasons we don’t use GCphone is that the immersion of creating a new character but then having access to an account of another character of theirs wasn’t great for RP.

Looks like a good release!

cant you just log out, and create a new account?

Does sending pictures work? and does this have the GPS ping and sending location?

You can… I think? Not sure if you have to relogin every time you change character?

But even so, if there was a way to attach an automatic twitter account (firstname + lastname) to new players with GCPhone, that would be a great rework for RP servers!

For serious RP, even having that initial automatic login to some other characters twitter account isnt ideal.

I dropped it in, pulled up and seemed to work.
Couldnt get pictures to work, checked webhook.
you should make it an option to send photos on twitter
Possibly make the GPS on text ping instead of send, so like you have an option to ping a player for 10 mins your gps coord
Yellow pages, or some type of advertisement app.
Cheers looks clean otherwise, love the animations and interested to see what can become of the race.
people may hate GC phone but its nice to see one that is pretty solid and with out a ton of issues

Strange that you’ve released this today when i’ve been looking for something like this all day: Here are some things I would love to be fixed from the old phone.

When sending police, taxi or EMS a text, the option to plot a route to their position, previously it didnt always work.

When entering text for a tweet, a better styled message box.

Thanks man

1 Like

Thanks for the feedback. Indeed GCPhone it’s an old project, but one of the most used. That’s why I fork it so I can deliver a better version of it. Right now, I updated all the dependencies (Webpack, Vue, Babel, etc.), and my objective is to implement all the features of GCPhone pay forks (which are violating the Licence btw)

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Hi everyone!

Thanks for the feedback; I added some features request to GitHub so you can keep track of them.

You can check it out here Issues · DmACKGL/GCPhone-Rewritten · GitHub.