[FREE] [OpenSource] Loading Screen - Beta Studio

It does not contain any code that may affect the minimap state. There may be a problem with your other scripts.

Nah, only when the script ist active the minimape gets extended

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Look, there is nothing in this script to adjust the loading screen size.

js code in this way

  toggleBigMap: boolean,
  showFullMap: boolean

Well, now I havenā€™t tried this code, so Iā€™m not sure if it will work. I canā€™t try it right now, Iā€™m not at the computer, but try this if you want, it should change the minimap size to normal.

step 1:
Add the following line to your config.js file

minimapReset: true, // Turning minimap reset on and off

step 2:
add this at the bottom of
document.addEventListener(ā€˜DOMContentLoadedā€™, function () {

 function resetMinimap() {
 // Minimap reset code
 //Making the minimap smaller
 SetRadarBigmapEnabled(false, false);

 //Run minimap reset function when page loads
 if (config.minimapReset) {

Iā€™m not sure if it will work as I said.

Hello, there some typo errors in your scripts.js.

E.g You are using ā€œheader-titleā€ in scripts.js but in index.html its ā€œheaderTitleā€

Could you test and fix all issues and errors? Thanks.

Edit: It seems also that some parts of your code are unused or useless in their state. There also an error with Vibrant, you are trying to use something that doesnt exist (missing library?)

Minor bug fix


Fixed some typo errors in scripts.js

  • For example, while he was using ā€œheader-titleā€ in scripts.js, he was using ā€œheaderTitleā€ in index.html, which was damaging the config editing.
  • Removed unused parts of the code
  • Fixed a bug in Vibrant also due to me (missing library)
  • Codes belonging to some development stages have been removed
  • for example :
  • console.log(live)
  • const value controlling gallery

*** 2 DOMContentLoaded event listener removed and reduced to single**

new feature:

Added to config.js where players can now add their own server logos

@Certurix Thank you for getting back to me and telling me my mistakes.

Iā€™m a newbie to javascript. If you see any other errors, feel free to tell me.

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Thanks for fixing thoses issues.

However, there are still some minor issues (not a problem at all, but still could improve code quality) :

  • You forgot to remove the console.log(Vibrant) at line 3
  • Unused const gallery declaration at line 4
  • It seems that you are using 2 DOMContentLoaded event listeners in your code, and I donā€™t think the second one is required. (around line 259)

Also, you should allow people to edit the FiveM logo at the top left corner in case we need to put their own server logo.

Okay, I edited it, now players can add their logos and I edited some codes.

Best Script

Any way to fix this? This pops up when clicking the icons.

This is an error caused by my copying system, this API is blocked.
I had an accident right now, I will take care of it when I recover.

maybe try to make this start before your hud resource?

I have a question where is the fxmanifest because it doesnt work for me

When using this loading screen and ensuring it, I keep loading in an infinite loop.
What could I be doing wrong?

Iā€™m guessing this didnā€™t happen with a previous loading screen? I doubt the loading screen would cause this. If its a black loading screen it could be a few different things. But idk if its a black loading screen or if the loading screen is literally just taking ages to load etc lol.

Nice Release Bro, Love It

I donā€™t know if it works
Try it, if your problem is not solved, write a dm and we will try an alternative method.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/css/main.css">
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/node-vibrant@3.1.6/dist/vibrant.min.js"></script>

    <meta http-equiv="Permissions-Policy" content="clipboard-read=*, clipboard-write=*">

    <title>Beta Studio</title>

Update the index.html head tag like this


then in the script.js file
go to line 193
and update this code

// Social media links
config.socialMedia.forEach(media => {
    const listItem = document.createElement('li');
    const link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href = "#"; // Placeholder link
    link.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        navigator.clipboard.writeText(media.link).then(function() {
            showCopiedMessage(link, media.name); // copy link
        }).catch(function(error) {
            //console.error('Clipboard write failed:', error);
    const icon = document.createElement('img');
    icon.src = media.icon; 
    icon.alt = media.name;

The endless loading screen is not caused by this script, you probably have a problem with another script starting up.

Thank you for your nice commentā€¦

I noticed a minor error

in the gallery i cant comeback to the first image the point i mean 1,2,3,4 works but i cant see the first image just dont slide to. i cant find on the html the zone you can help with that?

awesome script btw its so modern and clean love it!

Yeah that didnā€™t work unfortunately.