[FREE] On-Screen NUI Speedlimit Signs

The command “/speedlimit” doesn’t work

You have to uncomment the test command to make it work.

RegisterCommand('speedlimit', function(source, args)
    SpeedLimitEnabled = not SpeedLimitEnabled

“local SpeedLimitEnabled = true” does not work as you describe. The speed limit only comes up if we allow the command

Ok, then do that, or trigger the event some other way. This was meant as a development resource.

Yea I’m trying to add it into my vMenu that I’m working on so it will turn on and off with clicking the check the vMenu part works but it isn’t toggling it because the command isn’t working for some reason and I uncommented it

Do you have a discord I can join or something?

How can I change this that it is at the bottom right of the minimap?

It literally tells you what to do in the FAQ of the main post. That will solve your problem.

Thank you. This resource is what I have just been looking for, an image and not just a text speed limit resource. Awesome work.

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Hello, I followed your instructions, I put the SpeedLimetEnable on true.

But it absolutely does not work.Do you have any advice for me?