[FREE] N&D NPC Robbery v 1.5.O

N&D NPC Robbery

  • By Danny
  • Version 1.5.0
  • Open source


  • Esx notify
  • Cd dispatch
  • Quasar Dispatch
  • Ox lib notify


  • ESX
  • QBCore
  • ND Core
  • OX Core
  • Qbox




Config = {}

Config.framework = 'esx' -- esx, qbcore, ox_core, nd_core, qbx
Config.UseOldEsx = false -- false use ESX Export
Config.Alert = 'cd_dispatch' 
Config.TimeToRobAgain = 30
Config.MinimumCops = 3 -- Minimum cops for rob 
Config.PoliceJobName = 'police' -- Name of police job
Config.PoliceAlertProbability = 90 -- in %
Config.ResistanceChance = 0 -- in % / 0 for disable
Config.NameWeaponNPC = "weapon_pistol" -- What weapon have npc

Config.Dispatch = { -- Dispatch cods
    title = 'Okradení osoby',
    text = 'Někdo okradá lidi se zbraní',

Config.BlacklistNpc = { --- Npc can't be rob
    [GetHashKey('s_m_m_highsec_01')] = true,
    [GetHashKey('s_f_m_shop_high')] = true,
    [GetHashKey('mp_m_weapexp_01')] = true,
    [GetHashKey('s_m_m_scientist_01')] = true,
    [GetHashKey('s_m_y_blackops_01')] = true,
    [GetHashKey('u_m_y_babyd')] = true,
    [GetHashKey('mp_m_shopkeep_01')] = true

Config.Items = { --- Random Item to rob
        itemName = 'phone',
        itemRandomAmount = {1, 1}
        itemName = 'money',
        itemRandomAmount = {500, 1000}
        itemName = 'bread',
        itemRandomAmount = {1, 1} 
        itemName = 'water',
        itemRandomAmount = {1, 1}

Translation = { --- translation
    ['racket'] = 'Okrást osobu',
    ['can_rob_npc_again'] = 'Nemůžeš okrást 2x stejnou osobu',
    ['rob_complete'] = 'Okradl si osobu',
    ['police_alert'] = 'Člověk byl okraden',
    ['police_alert_blip'] = 'Krádaž',
    ['need_police'] = 'Nedostatek policajtů',
    ['rob_cooldown'] = 'Cooldown ',
Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 224
Requirements cd/qs dispatch
Support Yes

1 Like

Any other preview ?

can you add ps-dispatch

i will make

I added it, but I don’t know if it will work, can you try it?

yea sure

qb target support?

no, but its open source you can change

how exactly does this work? what do you need to do to initiate robbery?

You have to measure yourself with the weapon with alt and then you start robbing