[FREE] Music Menu

[FREE] Music Menu

The Music Menu script provid an optimized music experience for players. This resource enables players to select and play music directly within the game using YouTube URLs, making it perfect for adding a personalized musical ambiance to your server.

Key Features:

  • Optimized Music Menu: The script introduces a specially designed menu that allows players to input YouTube video codes (after “watch?v=”) to play their favorite songs in-game.

  • Multi-Language Support: The script is available in both English and French, and it’s designed to be extensible to support additional languages

  • Dependency on xsound: To ensure a high-quality experience, the script utilizes the xsound dependency, a FiveM resource that handles audio playback. Make sure to install xsound following the instructions provided in the script’s README.

Download link : MusicMenu
Preview link : Video

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I tried using this but could not get it to work