[FREE] [MLO] Tuner Auto Shop

You still have to enforce 2060, 2189, or tuners, but you don’t need canary.

Would it be possible to move this to the original benny’s near Innocence boulevard?

No, it won’t fit there


Oh you mean on the launcher it can be release, gotcha

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is there any other location it would fit? like the Los Santos Customs near main bank.
I really want a benny’s and this one is by far the best.
Problem with current location is that there is already a drift shop there in our city and i know they won’t move that

lol thats cool

You can use a teleporter script to teleport to the vanilla interior under the map, under the golf course, or just use this. with the teleporter route, you can have the exterior wherever you want, or just use this.

There’s already Benny’s and LSC :man_shrugging:

Whats The Original ipl location cord , So that i can update bob74_ipl

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local tuna_interior_id = GetInteriorAtCoords(vector3(-1350.0, 160.0, -100.0))
local meetup_interior_id = GetInteriorAtCoords(vector3(-2000.0, 1113.211, -25.36243))
local methlab_interior_id = GetInteriorAtCoords(vector3(981.9999, -143.0, -50.0))

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Same issue with meetup interior as well as methlab


Add a folder to bob74_ipl and call it DLC_Tuners. Now add that to fxmanifest of bob.

Change false to true and restart bob74, customise interior to your liking.

Thanks a lot , you are awesome. Do you know the Location of Arena Garage too ? IF you know the IPL let me know to Thanks in Advance


A simple search came back with this:

The arena itself is just above Cayo Perico and near North Yankton. The garage is under Mount Chiliad.

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tr_int1_mod_int_shell.ydr (EnableInteriorProp(interiorID, “entity_set_style_1”) ) sadly does not have the little wall spacer around the front door. All the other styled do have it.

Any chance this is going to get updated or fixed??

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i have problem loading the interior can some help me ?

How to change the type as in the video?

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There is a readme file

Any update on my previous post? The little spacer wall around the garage door with the “entity_set_style_1”. Or should i not get my hopes up?

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Not right now, but i will update it later

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