[FREE][MLO] Sandy Mechanic - Renovated Auto Repairs Shop!


This MLO was meant to be part of a bigger project that I could not manage to finish. Therefore it would be unjust to not release this part that I did manage to finish. It features a 2 door renovated garage with a well lit asphalt parking lot that can fit at least 7 cars. Garage has tools, lighting and windows. Office has a boss-chair and some business props. Side exit also from the office.

And best of all, its free! You can edit this if you want to, just let them know where you got it from once you’re done ;).

Showcase Video

dl_sandymechanic.rar (4.5 MB)

How to install

  1. Download the file linked above
  2. Go to your server directory
  3. Extract the resource from the archive
  4. Add “ensure dl_sandymechanic” to your server.cfg

Known issues pending fix:

  • LODs

thank you

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thank you
hopefully next grapeseed medical center

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i see the progress :+1:

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Great work!!! Just added to my server/community!!! Def glad to see some clean custom work in that area of the shores Five Stars!!!

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thank u

Looks good in the game, but how do I fix these texture loss? I don’t have another MLO around for it to cause this.

Sry for late response, its got to do with the LODs that make it look like the old building, that would need to be fixed in a later update. For now I added this to the topic as known bugs but feel free to experiment yourself

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might wanna change the tarmar texutre? it looks to new for the area :smiley:

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