[FREE] [MLO] Hi-Men Bar

  • An interior for the Hi-Men Bar with a weed operation in the basement. Interior has a main bar area, garage, a cellar and a basement for growing weed.

  • Download has an optional files folder that contains a YTYP without the weed plants in the basement to allow players/servers to use their own weed growing script.

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Himen_FiveM.rar (17.0 MB)


Why do I get the feeling that this MLO was already a few years back on gta5mods.
I could have sworn I’ve seen this MLO before somewhere, however it’s a nice MLO I have to admit.


Thanks! Yes, I am the one who released it on gta5mods for SP 2 months ago. I waited to fix the reported bugs before releasing it on the FiveM forums.

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coords mlo : 497.24966430664, -1544.1051025391, 29.23722076416

Have an issue with not being able to go through the doors. The interior works if you no clip through the door and the doors do open just can’t walk through

edit: it conflicts with the Davis pawnshop from RFC mapping.

Another MLO in the area could be the causing this.

Do you have non-escowed file?
