[FREE] [MLO] Free Map Pack ( 1x Cinema 2x Club )


Hello everyone, we’re sharing 3 special maps with you for free. You can get them through Tebex. During the purchase, simply write ‘0’, and you can also set the price yourself if you’d like to contribute.


Click for contact.

You can also take a look.


| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | N/A |
| Support | Yes |



Just for your notice. You call simply write “0” in you info but Tebex say
Please enter an amount greater than 1 EUR that you’d like to pay. :wink:


Free releases require direct download links, you cannot have only just a tebex link.


There was a minor confusion, it’s now resolved. We recommend trying again, sir.

Those confused about the price on Tebex, you have to enter 0.0 instead of 0. Would also recommend a direct download link

This is pretty cool, would you happen to have the coords setup for a hypnonema screen? Would definitely use this


1: vector3(336.33, 175.43, 103.18)
2: vector3(-330.14, 209.86, 87.92)
3: vector3(-963.28, -1469.3, 5.17)

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The direct download link is not working.

It is not free, you have to pay $1

Enter package options:
Please enter an amount greater than 1 EUR that you’d like to pay.

Sad thats its not free, map was amazing :confused:

this is not free he trys to make you pay on tebex dont put it up as free smh

Hey back.

It still shows that you should pay at least “1”.
The direct download doesn’t work either

Where’s the link ?

This content is no longer available.

No. This is not accurate.