[FREE][MAP] Sisyphus Theater Stage

:de: | Sisyphus Theater Stage (Deejay / Festival)

Hallo zusammen,

ich freue mich, euch mein erstes kleines “Festival”-Projekt am Sisyphus Theater in Los Santos vorstellen zu können. Ich habe eine DJ-Bühne mit Lichteffekten hinzugefügt. Am Eingang gibt es eine Trennung: Links für normale Besucher und bei den roten Pißwasser Zäunen geht es zur VIP-Lounge. Von der Lounge aus gelangt man durch einen eigenen Eingang zur Festivalbereich. In der Mitte befindet sich zudem ein Zelt für die Organisatoren sowie ein kleiner Bereich für die VIPs. Geht man weiter, findet man einen Hotdog-Stand und Getränkewagen. Weiter unten gibt es einen Tattoo-Wagen und mobile Toiletten. | Fahrende NPCs und Laufende NPCs entfernt auf dem Gelände.

Feedback und Vorschläge sind stets willkommen. Bei Anregungen oder Rückmeldungen könnt ihr mich einfach per Direktnachricht kontaktieren.

:us: | Sisyphus Theater Stage (Deejay / Festival)

Hey everyone,

I’m excited to share my first little “festival” project at the Sisyphus Theater in Los Santos with you all. I’ve added a DJ stage with lighting effects. At the entrance, there’s a separation: left for regular visitors and through the “Pißwasser” fences for access to the VIP lounge. From the lounge, there’s a separate entrance to the festival stage. In the middle, there’s also a tent for the organizers and a small area for VIPs. Further along, you’ll find a hotdog stand and beverage carts. Down the line, there’s a tattoo booth and portable toilets. | Driving NPCs and Walking NPCs removed from the premises.

Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to contact me via direct message with any ideas or feedback.

Bilder bei Tag // Pictures Showcase at Day

Bilder bei Nacht // Pictures Showcase at Night


GITHUB || Sisyphus Theater Stage (Deejay / Festival)


[FREE][MAP] Bridge work on Senora Freeway
[FREE][MAP] Bridge work on Capital Boulevard
[FREE][MAP] Barriers at the Town Hall
[FREE][MAP] Work on the Calafia Bridge
[FREE][MAP] Work on the Zancudo Bridge


:de: | Da einige sich leider mit der anderen Bühne vertan haben, hier der Ort der Bühne (Hier Danke an @AdvancedTeam für das Bild - werde ich zukünftig ergänzen)

:us: | Since some people unfortunately made a mistake with the other stage, here is the location of the stage (Thanks to @AdvancedTeam for the picture - I will add it in the future)


Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements No
Support Yes

Nice Work :heart:

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Looking lit! :fire:

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Thankyou so much, looks great!

Location: 203.31, 1167.37, 34.37 !


another fantastic free release, thanks heaps

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hello and thank you for sharing but for me the mapping does not work

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Hello Ryan, write to me privately via direct message. Then I can help you find out why it doesn’t work for you. :slight_smile:

Hi, you’re in the wrong theater too :slight_smile:

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haha I was looking in the wrong place as well.

Awesome work, looks great at night :slight_smile:

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Hehe, I did the exactly same thing :smiley: Thats why I made the gif and the coordinates :stuck_out_tongue:


and of course me being me, didnt read up, just started mucking around with the files trying to get it to work, I even looked at it in cw and didnt realise it was not where i was looking… doh!

It would be sick to see a collab with your aquarium and MAVIGA2K24, a Discorium , underwater fun, another reason to actually get some divingtools :smiley:


hahaha that would be awesome, a huge one with dolphins as well, if only i could work out scenario streaming for 5m :slight_smile:

something like this?

What do you think MAVIGA2K24, want to add a stage and your lighting magic?

I plan to do something similar on the other stage. I think that would fit. I’ll write to you via direct message. As soon as I start. :slight_smile:

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this one is at the beach near the life guard station, not at the theatre areas

Alright no problem. :slight_smile: