[FREE] LGF Chat (Advanced Chat for Roleplay Server)

LGF Chat


  • Framework Support: Compatible with ESX , Qbox and LGF. QBCore support coming soon.
  • Roleplay Integration: Designed specifically for roleplay servers.
    • Job Chat: Communicate with others in the same profession.
    • Admin Chat: Dedicated chat for server administrators.
    • Auto Message: Automated messages for various events.
    • Staff Chat: Exclusive chat for staff members only.
    • Fully Editable: Customize to fit your server’s needs.
    • Blacklisted words: Avoid Players They use incorrect terms.
    • CoolDown System: Avoid Players Spam Message.
    • UI Draggable: Easily reposition the chat interface.

GitHub Repository


Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800+
Requirements ox lib
Support Yes

We need Qbcore support!!


actually there is no need fot that

  • Qbox Support

nice work :100:

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Really, congratulations! It has all the features you could need, it’s very easy to set up new chats, chat staff, and logs are included.

And it’s free!!! I don’t remember ever seeing a chat like this for free. It has more features than the chat I paid for and will no longer use :joy:

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Respect :saluting_face:

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appreciate !

thx <3

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Example with ESX

Global Message

RegisterCommand('ooc', function(source, args)
    local playerId = source
    local description = table.concat(args, " ")
    if args and #args > 0 then -- Let's avoid sending an empty message
            playerId = playerId,
            message = description, 
            playerJob = 'OOC', -- Example You don't want jobs or groups, just put 'OOC' or 'IC' or you choose
            author = playerName,
            bgColor = '#312B2B',
            icon = 'globe'

Job Message

RegisterCommand('police', function(source, args)
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
    local PlayerJob = xPlayer.getJob()
    local Text = table.concat(args, " ")
    if args and #args > 0 then
        if PlayerJob == 'police' then -- check player have correct job
                playerId = source,
                message = Text,
                playerJob = PlayerJob,
                author = GetPlayerName(source), -- Use Steam Name
                bgColor = '#312B2B',
                icon = 'user-shield'
            print('no job for send message)

(Bump Manifest 1.0.1)

  • (Added CoolDown System): Avoid Players Spam Message
  • (Added BlackListed Words): Avoid Players They use incorrect terms
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can you please add option to hide chat thanks

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it’s fantastic :heart_eyes: is it possible to make the massage only nearby people can see the sent messages

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The ui looks really very cool nice !!!

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thx mate


Why error?

strange, you have touched server side?

Very Nice and Good Looking Chat!

  • Add an Option to force use a command to send on the chat.

oh sorry im not understand explain better pls

When the user press T and write something without /ooc or any other command (Example: ahwjdbajdba) the chat executes with the “ahwjdbajdba”. Like to add an option for force use a command to write on chat. I don’t know if you let me understand