actually there is no need fot that
Really, congratulations! It has all the features you could need, it’s very easy to set up new chats, chat staff, and logs are included.
And it’s free!!! I don’t remember ever seeing a chat like this for free. It has more features than the chat I paid for and will no longer use 
1 Like
Example with ESX
Global Message
RegisterCommand('ooc', function(source, args)
local playerId = source
local description = table.concat(args, " ")
if args and #args > 0 then -- Let's avoid sending an empty message
playerId = playerId,
message = description,
playerJob = 'OOC', -- Example You don't want jobs or groups, just put 'OOC' or 'IC' or you choose
author = playerName,
bgColor = '#312B2B',
icon = 'globe'
Job Message
RegisterCommand('police', function(source, args)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
local PlayerJob = xPlayer.getJob()
local Text = table.concat(args, " ")
if args and #args > 0 then
if PlayerJob == 'police' then -- check player have correct job
playerId = source,
message = Text,
playerJob = PlayerJob,
author = GetPlayerName(source), -- Use Steam Name
bgColor = '#312B2B',
icon = 'user-shield'
print('no job for send message)
can you please add option to hide chat thanks
1 Like
it’s fantastic
is it possible to make the massage only nearby people can see the sent messages
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The ui looks really very cool nice !!!
1 Like
strange, you have touched server side?
oh sorry im not understand explain better pls
need qbcore support i tried but failed it keeps calling for global core ?
I have to ensure every time in game when i join my server