[FREE] Knock Out [QB-Core & Standalone]

Download: GitHub - syn1xx/knockout


Config = {}

Config.progressbarDurantion = 5000
Config.knockoutDurantion = 5

Config.QBCore = true

About Script :

Stand alone script that let you knockout player when you enter melee combat, player gets knocked out after three punches and remain at ground for 15 seconds

Code is accessible Yes
Lines (approximately) 90
Support Yes

Nice, could you add a chance for being knocked out, so if you get hit 3 time you have a chance for exaple 1/3 so every 3 times you get hit 3 times you get knocked out, and also could you add something for when like a car hits you or you get shot and you have a chance of getting knocked out from being shot.


i gonna try to add it for the new update



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esx not working?

could we have multiple durations like add it so you can be knocked out between 10-60 seconds etc

Also ability to be knocked out by like baseball bats, nightsticks etc

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Yes please

this would be nice!

Does this disable the kicking when punching?

Is there a way to change it to like 10 punches? I feel like 3 punches is too quick for a fist fight

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that’s really cool. What would be even cooler would be if you could adjust other “weapons” like baseball bats, brass knuckles and how much life you have after a knockout.