[FREE] Kiosk ymap

Hi! i made this kiosk ymap so i can roleplay my kiosk in a server but wanted to share it if someone want to use it.


kiosk.rar (2.5 KB)


I mean, this is just a movable food kiosk with a table prop? I dont even know why you’d go to the troubles of releasing this - anyone can recreate this in literal minutes using CodeWalker.

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what is your aim with the above message?? Everyone starts somewere some of the most sucessful creations IRL were ideas that was jotted down on napkins or other things. and all you know THIS guy could maybe in 1 year, 2 years, tomorrow release the BEST mod FiveM will ever see and you think you have the right to downgrade an addition because you claim ANYONE can recreate it.

@Chiquityman IGNORE HATERS and just continue building your Maps and Scripts as you please the community will benifit from members like you.


@Demo_Guy This is actually my first ever map, and i didnt release everything i did for this as i made some finnish product textures for the items

As per the releases FAQ:

We want users to release meaningful, configurable and complete scripts. Everyone starts somewhere, but not every little script you create needs to be shared.

I know this isnt a script, but IMO it’s WAY too simple to be released on the forums. I’m not “hating” by any means - just pointing it out. If the OP had anything that took more than literally two minutes to create for anyone with no mapping knowledge or experience, it’d be worth posting for sure, but this? Really?

@_4iY you are just downgrading the effort this guy took to create something just because most people in the world have 2 legs it dosnt mean everybody can walk.

This guy created a ymap that less knowledge members could use i really dont see why you have to be so disrespectful.

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Nah, he followed a tutorial and did some bs.

hey at least he not charging for it :smiley: :smiley:


Agree! Bucko