[FREE] Hunting Animal Activity

:bow_and_arrow: Realistic Hunting Script for FiveM :dart:

Take your FiveM roleplay server to the next level with our Realistic Hunting Script! :herb::paw_prints: Immerse your players in a thrilling wildlife hunting experience, featuring authentic gameplay mechanics, dynamic AI animals, and a fully functional hunting system.

:sparkles: Features:

:small_orange_diamond: Realistic Hunting Mechanics
:small_orange_diamond: Clean and optimized code
:small_orange_diamond: Hunting Rifles & Equipment
:small_orange_diamond: Free upgrades and support

:rocket: Download from Github
:open_book: Script documentation
:fire: Click here for free support (DISCORD)

:movie_camera: Previews:

Video Preview (Tiktok)

Images Preview:


The interactions, notifications, progression bar, npc and more is fully configurable to your liking, if you want to implement your own systems we can help you for free in discord.

:round_pushpin: Dependencies:

:small_blue_diamond: ox_lib (opcional)
:small_blue_diamond: ESX - QBCORE or custom Framework

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