[FREE] Give License Command For ESX

So recently i figured that ESX (newest update) does not have /givelicense or /grantlicense as a command for police or any other job and after a little bit of searching it appears that the only one i could find was being sold <–insert skull emoji–> however this shouldnt be the case so i have released a free version that works perfectly fine and is more than suitable for its needs.

Here is the release: Give License Command

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 25
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


Why you upload a ZIP to GitHub?

They’re probably just new to GitHub.

it wasnt letting me upload it any other way aha

1.8.5unavailable esx

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what you mean by this?

Try adding ‘@es_extended/imports.lua’, to ur fxmanifest.lua, then it should work for esx legacy

Code example

fx_version ‘adamant’

game ‘gta5’

description ‘Use /grantlicense [ID] [license]’

author ‘5quare Development | discord.gg/5quare’

lua54 ‘yes’

version ‘1.0’

server_scripts {

client_scripts {

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i am currently running this on a ESX legacy server and its working fine without that, all you need to have is the ESX_License script installed

i have esx_license installed but i got the error: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘ESX’)

strange, ill uupdate it on github rn but for me works fine without

Hey there,
I just installed this script and am getting the below error.

Can you let me know what I need to do? I only downloaded this last night.

Many thanks

If you redownload it and use the new fxmanifest.lua it should work fine

Who didn’t work with him just add

ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()

to the server.lua - Line .1

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Bei mir Funktioniert das nicht