[FREE] Gang Range MLO

Private Commissioned to g0d3sm1wa7o (avoid at all costs -=๐—š๐Ÿฌ๐—ฑ๐Ÿฏ๐˜€๐—บ๐Ÿญ๐˜„๐—ฎ๐Ÿณ๐—ผ=-#9228 ) who decided he would start selling it after a few months for whatever reason, so enjoy it here for free.

Admins can contact me for proof of rightful ownership of this map.


carshowBigs.rar (27.1 MB)


well does g0d3sm1wa7o own the map ? as i see his comment on here saying he owns it ??

I privately commissioned it to him as a one off project, however he resells it to other people whilst it was a one off build for me, hence the release here to stop him profiting from it. Moderators have been sent evidence of g0d3sm1wa7oโ€™s scummy behaviour. @itsBUCKO

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people are real jurks sometimes bro โ€ฆ some dick started selling my map on here before now lol

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Well, it would be good to get it approved by the moderators before releasing it right?

Should definetly make sure youโ€™re following the TOS before making sure others are as wellโ€ฆ

It was approved by a Moderatorโ€ฆ seeing as its my first post, it was pending and approved by someone.

wack, i got ripped then.

I suppose youโ€™re alright in that case

Sorry to hear

same to you

Uhhh for me the garage door just brakes when you drive into it doesnโ€™t actually function

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Sweet MLO! Thank you for the work!
Also, sorry to hear someone was trying to re-sell your work!

The collision for the door is still there for me. Iโ€™ve downloaded it twice and its still there :frowning:

what is the name of the garage door at the entrance? I need the prop name so I can put a lock on it


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While the cat who you are talking about is indeed a scum and a racist POS I can confirm he did make something similar to this and I watched him. I would have to download this and test to see but I had owned the server he had worked for during the time to making a under ground gang hide out. In fact I got screenshots of him making it last year as he was updating me on his progress. Never got into using the maps live due to falling out with him about racist remarks.