Hi, if anyone here messes around with some sketchy scripts and are worried about back doors i built a commandline tool to check for hidden byte code
Heres a link to the repository, if you down wanna compile just download the release
FiveMResourceChecker Github Repository
Either drag and drop the folder you want to scan (You can scan your whole resources folder) or use ByteChecker.exe “Path\To\Folder” in the command line.
Edit: only checks lua files.
if the builded version its the same as the source code its a false positive
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Build it from PUBLIC SOURCE CODE provided, did i mention the source code is PUBLIC for ANYONE to see?
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Its written in C# so that doesnt apply, its also portable and doesnt need to be installed, anything that reads other files from your PC is considered a trojan, this is the whole reason i distributed the code publicly, not to mention the release itself can quite literally be disassembled in almost any disassembler because the code is not obfusated (at all).
All it does is recursively reads all LUA files in the directory, if it finds an occurance of “\x” (this indicated hex code) it will spit the file and the line of the code and convert it from hex code to a string and spit it out in the console so you can see what the code would do if you dont remove it.
The this whole process is stored in Program.cs on 86 lines of code.
Dont believe me still? just copy the code from Program.cs into a blank windows forms console app solution and it will run, nothing hidden
Heres a good explanation as to why it was flagged - c# - How come my code causes my antivirus software to prevent it from running the executable? - Stack Overflow
Great resource, Good work buddy!
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try to run the exe but opens and immediately closes, why?