A standalone raycast and world based interaction menu for FiveM, designed to enhance your interaction with the environment on your FiveM server.
The primary goal is not to replace target scripts; Nonetheless, the main factor is not just features it’s because this script uses sprites and DUI, making it more demanding on resources compared to NUI-based scripts.
Version 1.0.0 Major Changes
- Significantly improved performance
- Added support for both
as trigger zones - Updated the format for actions
- Removed the loading spinner
- Introduced key-holding feature
- Improved themes and code structure
And some other changes, this update includes 64 commits, ranging from minor tweaks to major updates
My Other Scripts:
[QB] keep-multicharacter - A FiveM multi-character system
[QB/ESX] Poster printer and art gallery - keep-poster
[QB][ESX] Custom Packaging And Mystery Boxes
[QB][ESX] Air Defense - keep-airDefense
[QB][ESX] Fivem Notepad System - keep-notes