Once you installed and set up the script, you can use its functions from other server-side scripts by calling exports.FiveM_Guilded_API:GetMember("abcdefgh") for example.
If you have an update containing new and unused API endpoints or you have improvements you want to share, feel free to open a Pull Request and contribute to the project. Every contribution is much appreciated!
I plan to integrate more and more endpoints into this script to have a broader functionality than it currently has. This is currently restricted by the available models, which I hope will get added to in the future by the Guilded team.
Since the API does not have a versioning scheme yet, issues may occur if response data get modified by the maintainers. I will try to keep up with the updates to mitigate these issues that may arise.
The integration of a Guilded connection for FiveM, similar to the one used on Discord, would significantly improve the functionality of the script, but sadly this is out of my scope.
Rather than doing a repeat loop, you can use promises.
local function GuildedRequest(method, endpoint, data)
local p = promise.new()
PerformHttpRequest('https://www.guilded.gg/api/v1/'..endpoint, function(errorCode, resultData, resultHeaders)
p:resolve({code = errorCode, data = resultData, headers = resultHeaders})
end, method, #data > 0 and data or '', {['Authorization'] = 'Bearer '..Token, ['Accept'] = 'application/json', ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'})
return Citizen.Await(p)
Hey, thanks for the contribution! Are there benefits of using promises over the current solution? If so, what kind? I haven’t used promises in LUA before, so I would appreciate your answer. Thanks
A Guilded role-based permission system is possible, however since FiveM doesn’t have a Guilded connection like Discord has, you would have to create a system for retrieving user ID and connecting it to a license yourself. Sadly, you cannot currently get Guilded IDs with GetPlayerIdentifiers().
I have pushed changes containing new return values and an IsRolePresent function to enable developers to create a basic permission system for their server.
Since currently there is no support for OAuth2 from Guilded, a connection like with Discord is not possible for the foreseeable future. More about it here:
A solution to this issue could be to create a system similar to what Transport Tycoon has: send a randomly generated code you get from in-game to your Guilded bot, which then connects your license to your Guilded ID, and stores it. If someone has the time and knowledge to create such a system, let me know!
Future updates will include examples that cover most of the available HTTP request methods as well as some interesting endpoints.