[FREE] FFA GunGame | Lobby, Maps, Scoreboard, Leaderboard & Levels

FFA GunGame | FREE

A gungame with lobby, maps, scoreboard, leaderboard & levels. Your players will never be bored again.

:link: Links

GitHub | Download Here

:newspaper: Features

  • Lobby NPC, where you can see the map, players & time left
  • Create your own maps, and let them randomly rotate.
  • Customize Weapon Levels/Rounds
  • Game Scoreboard
  • All Games Leaderboard
  • In-game UI
  • Killing will increase your weapon level
  • Dying will decrease your weapon level
  • Last weapon to win the game with (make it hard)
  • Build-in respawn (make sure to use exports for your death/ambulance script, to ignore those who are in GunGame)
  • Going out of zone protection

This is the biggest GunGame ever made for FiveM, I can list down exactly how it works… or you can find out? :wink:

:star2: Take a look at our other products!


:cow2: Advanced Hunting
:pick: Advanced Mining
:fishing_pole_and_fish: Advanced Fishing
:pill: Advanced Drug Labs
:convenience_store: Advanced Player Stores
:ear_of_rice: Advanced Plantation


:page_facing_up: Reports PRO
:house: Housing Perfect
:male_detective: Black Markets
:gun: Gang Wars


:recycle: Recyclers
:fire: Smelters
:package: Crates & Storages
:skull_and_crossbones: Death System
:radioactive: Hazard Zones
:oncoming_automobile: Chopshop


:fog: Coke Lab
:knot: Meth Lab
:shamrock: Weed Lab


This is insane! An unique resource to startup a complete project! :fire: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


really nice work

1 Like

Thanks buddy!

simple and nice

looks the goods going to try it in my new server. just wondering do you need cayo map ?

No you can change maps

No video ?

Unfortunately not, as u could see the screenshots and just test it ingame

It would save people a lot of time if they could see more than just screenshots. But it is what it is

True, however I also do not have the time at this moment to create/hire a video for it right now. Luckily people aren’t required to use the script

Of course people arent “required to use it”, however
I installed it and its slightly buggy and had probably wouldnt have installed it had
I known this in advance.