Here is a job i’ve made, its one of my first jobs i’ve made but I am still updating it every other day.
With the job you can be registered as a police officer for example and still be able to do it, think of this job as a side job. Currently there is no server sided functionality making it so players can do this job every x minutes or hours, but before players can hack the servers or computers in the server room they’ll need to solve the riddle (which isnt hard). After the player solves the riddle they can enter the server room and then the challenge begins, finding the computers are easy, finding the 3 servers in this haystack will take some time.
The script is configurable so you can change the location of which servers and computers you go up to to hack, you can change others things such as the notifications that show or the progress wheel.
Once the player hacks the system they will be given a specified range of money, computers are 3k to 4.5k and servers are 4.5k to 6k, the prices can be changed in the server.lua file.
The below requirements are required for this script to be fully functional, they’re very easy to setup and should only take a minute for each.
Get it on github here or (5.5 KB)