Simple MySQL Reports System for ESX! - Created by Innovative Studios
What is this?
This is a simple MySQL Reports system for es_extended v1-final (probably works on other versions but has not been tested) and allows admins to close reports & view open reports.
Each report has a unique ID auto incrementing when a report is made! Reports are managed by the “admin” rank in game but can be easily edited by anyone with basic knowledge of Lua.
There are 3 simple commands that come included in this script:
» /report [Reason] - Creates a report (Everyone)
» /openreports - Displays all open reports (Admin)
» /closereport [ID] [Close Reason] - Closes report with close reason (Admin)
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More information about support & installation is on this page
Thank you guys!
We will release more in the future
I got this error if i try to user any of the commands from the script
Are you using a different chat to the default FiveM one? This resource uses the new event chat:addMessage. So that could be an issue maybe
Also does the message actually go into chat or does it just not show?
No. The Message does not show up.
I could trz to update it, but it should be the default and also the newest one
Yeah that’s strange. On the preview video it works fine and I tested like 1 hour 30 minutes ago and I had no issues. You could try and change the chat:addMessage to chatMessage and see if it works, however, I highly do not recommend to use deprecated events.
You could even switch out the notifications for a different notifications system if you wanted. On my server we actually have it setup on mythic_notify
Can you add a reply system for admins to talk to users?
1 Like
I like this idea!
Could make a command that works something like
/reply [Report ID] [Message] and it sends a message to the person that made the report ID.
This will be on the to do list!
I saw that i use another version of the chat script.
I edited the TriggerEvents an now it works very good. So thanks for the nice Script.
Good to hear
Keep an eye on the GH as there’ll be more updates soon!