[FREE] ESX Simple Hud

Simple Hud is a simple and clean system designed specifically for the ESX Framework in FiveM. This resource allows players to easily view their essential statistics such as health, armor, hunger, thirst, speed, and ammunition.


  • Display of hunger and thirst levels, giving players a clear indication of their survival status.
  • Real-time speedometer showing the player’s current speed, with the option to switch between km/h and mph in the configuration file.
  • Visible health and armor bars, helping players stay aware of their current condition in combat or other dangerous situations.
  • Ammunition count displayed when using a weapon, providing crucial information during gunfights.
  • Clean and minimalistic design for a non-intrusive player experience.



:inbox_tray: ESX Simple Hud - Github

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100+
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

This is free? This is awesome, keep up the good work! :fire:

1 Like

Thank you.

After I get in the vehicle and move it, when you stop, the speed dont go to 0, it goes to 1, anyone solved it?
ps: love the design

nice work bro

It would lack a level of resistance and a safety belt system

Hi, doesn’t work for me, nothing is displayed

Of course in the future. But for now we are focused on updating paid scripts if you understand me, though we will make an effort to update the free scripts from time to time.

Could you contact us on our Discord server so we can help resolve your issues?