This is a simple resource from Noel to use if you need to craft a gun
You can change the settings of this resource from the config.lua file
If you set bank to true, you must set cash to false so that the amount is withdrawn from the right place
If you set both to false, only item will be taken
If you set all three to false, it will collect something and it is free
Its blip on the map is in the form of a Purple Weapon
Config = {}
Config.Key = 38 --E
Config.ESX = 'esx:getSharedObject' --your own getSharedObject
Config.Cost = {bank=false,cash=true,item=true} -- bank or cash , item
Config.Marker = {
type = 2,
x = 1286.55,
y = -1604.02,
z = 54.82
Config.Blip = {
title = "GunCrafting",
color = 61,
id = 567,
scale = 1.0
Config.Weapons = {
{ Name = 'weapon_sawnoffshotgun', Label = 'Shotgun', Price = 2000, Items = { { name = 'gold', count = 3 }, { name = 'iron', count = 10 } } },
{ Name = 'weapon_snspistol', Label = 'SNS Pistol', Price = 0, Items = { { name = 'iron', count = 5 } } }
This resource includes the following items:
Client | Yes |
Server | Yes |
Config.lua | Yes |
Lines (approximately) | 160 |
Requirements | Nothing |