Radio script for pma-voice → epyi_rpradio
Hi everyone, I just released an official version of my roleplay radio script.
Characteristics of the resource
- Compatible on ESX Legacy 1.7.5 and above
- Possibility to have the radio as an item (If the radio disappears from the player’s inventory, the radio automatically disconnects)
- The radio menu is made with the RageUI lib and is completely configurable
- Ability to easily change all script language messages
- Ability to put frequencies in “private” mode which will be accessible only for certain jobs
- Very customizable configuration
- The script is optimized (0.00ms)
- es_extended : ESX Framework (1.7.5 or above)
- pma-voice
Some credits for
- Frazzle: For radio sounds
- iTexZoz: For the RageUI lib
Code is accessible |
Yes |
Subscription-based |
No (Free resource) |
Lines (approximately) |
400 |
Requirements |
es_extended, pma-voice |
Support |
Yes |
New release published : v1.3 and v1.4
I forgot to post a message for version 1.3, so I post a message for 1.3 and 1.4 updates
What changed in 1.3 ?
- Remove resource name verification for better code re-use
- Add locale system
- Add the french locale
- Change RageUI List to RageUI Progress for the radio volume
What changed in 1.4 ?
- Merge all locales to “locales” folder
- Update english and french locales
If you have any suggestions, problem reports, or anything else, please let me know!
New release published : v1.7.0
What’s Changed ?
- Switch to RageUI v2 by epyidev
- Adapt menu_init to RageUI v2 by epyidev
- Change all PascalCase to camelCase by epyidev
- Change default offset to 0 by epyidev
- Adapt locales to 0 offset by epyidev
- Enhance configuration by epyidev
- Fix version checker by epyidev
- Reformat all script (with styLua) by epyidev
- Spanish translation by xxjordi
- Create it.lua by Xray51YT
- Create nl.lua by HariboInc
New Contributors
xxjordi made their first contribution in PR #1
Xray51YT made their first contribution in PR 2
HariboInc made their first contribution in PR #3